Saturday, September 24, 2011

where the air is thin

there's a strong possibility that we may temporarily live on the 34th floor ("heaven" as someone in the elevator told me) of a high-rise condo for a year or two.  i am praying that being sooo high up in the universe means that there is absolutely no possibility that any of the following bugs will be in our immediate vicinity.  
  • ants
  • cockroaches
  • silver swords
  • beetles
  • spiders
  • wasps
  • mosquitoes
  • flies
  • geckos/lizards

no offense to the entomologists of the world but i cannot stand bugs.  not sure why they were ever invented.

1 comment:

  1. You should add bees to this list. For some reason, we've had bee visitors (which we smashed) 2x last week. it was really weird. we don't get flies though - thank god.
