Friday, September 16, 2011

september challenge update

16 days into the month and i honestly haven't even thought about fb or all.    these past few weeks have been soooo hectic with my parents out of town (no baby respite for two weeks), the surreal super quick house sale and now searching for a temporary rental.  i'm pretty much on craigslist all day long scouring the housing posts for something that fits our budget and our needs.  we are either looking for a home with separate guest/in-law cottage or two condos in the same building...the convenience of having your babysitters parents next door is really priceless!  realtors tell me that the rental market is super tight with only a 2% vacancy!  the homes that we have been interested in have already been rented so now i know that i gotta act super fast!  my biggest fear is that we'll commit to something and then the perfect rental will appear the next day.  what to do, what to do.

*  *  *
aren't blog posts boring without photos?!  these days, i hardly have a chance to take photos because the little tiramisu always hijacks my iphone to watch videos.  i cannot wait until her ipod cover comes in so she can watch her stuff and i can have my phone back!  i've resorted to making daily calls with my ancient Motorola Razor that i use for my business line!

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