Friday, September 30, 2011

the last day of september

holy guacamole, where did the time go?!  just realized that today is the last day of september!  and i blogged every day of the month!  i'm actually enjoying my nightly ritual of banging something out on the computer but i might take weekends off beginning this weekend.  we'll see.

i guess today means that i can log in to fb and twitter this weekend since the september challenge is over.  surprisingly, this was a super easy challenge and i don't miss either modality of social media one bit.  who knew?  i am not planning on re-installing the apps on my iphone.  i think i can live without it.

the sun is setting earlier and the days are getting shorter.  fall is here and i would normally look forward to taking out all my holiday decorations and hanging lights on the house but the latter is definitely not happening this year :(  unless we can hang lights on our condo lanai!  hah.

time to start thinking about a halloween costume for the tiramisu!!!  and i need a challenge for october.  hmmmmmmmm....

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