Saturday, September 3, 2011

the great chase

tonight, we ran into a friend in the neighborhood who has a son who is only 14 days older than the tiramisu.  they came over for about 45 minutes to hang out and holy smokes, i never realized how energetic a child can be!  the hubby thinks that the tiramisu is hyper but little chase is about 10x more hyper than her.  he's super active and was kinda slapping my little princess around, especially when he wanted something that she had >.<  he tried to give her a hug and ended up tackling her and they both fell on the ground.  hah.  are all baby boys like this?!!!  we are planning regular play dates so we'll see how they interact the next time.  in the meantime, i'm going to teach my princess how to hold her own :D

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