Thursday, September 22, 2011

invisalign update

i am thrilled to report that the crazy hook that was glued to the top and bottom surfaces of my right lateral tooth was removed today and i no longer have to wear a rubberband!  my mouth feels sooo much better now!  i'll be taking impressions for my upper retainer at my next appointment in four weeks.  someone really needs to invent a better way to do the impressions.  that gooey crap and those huge plastic trays make me gag every single time!!!

i'm finally on tray 21 of 23 for the bottom teeth!  only three more trays to go but retainers for the rest of my life.  teeth and braces are weird like that.  i suppose that at age 80, i won't care about my teeth anymore but for now, i will be wearing my retainers.  as a side note, it took the hubby almost two years to straighten his teeth with invisalign but he stopped wearing his retainers years ago after all that work. slowly but surely, his teeth are getting jacked again.  poor guy.

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