Monday, September 26, 2011

eat two scoops & call me in the morning

you really can't put a price on the awesomeness of having built-in babysitters.  my parents watched the tiramisu tonight so the hubby & i could run out and grab a quick dinner.  we ended up at Hale Vietnam and then walked over to the Pillbox Pharmacy for dessert.  amongst the advil and pepto bismol, you can get freshly scooped Cascade Glacier ice cream from Oregon.  i got a single scoop of almond pistachio and the hubby got a double scoop cone of some berry mix and the total came out to less than $3.50!  insanely cheap and good!

so the next time you need to pick up your cholesterol, high blood pressure or migraine medication, make sure you get a scoop of ice cream, too ;)  


  1. Hahahahahhaha!!! Who knew you could get ice-cream at Pillbox Pharmacy!!!! Definitely need to try it!!!
