Thursday, August 4, 2011


i borrowed this photo from @wfmkahala.  i really didn't want to take it but the marketing director asked me to and after scoring 4 of the 10 certificates, how could i say no?!

it's a good thing that i postponed my social media challenge to september because i won a $50 gift certificate to @wfmkahala (whole foods market kahala) on twitter! YIPPPPYYY!

@wfmkahala tweeted a few weeks ago that the first 10 followers after 4000 would win a $50 gift certificate. i waited for the follower count to go up and then kinda forgot about it until a few days ago when i just happened to check and saw that it was at 4006.  i quickly followed and suggested that the hubby and some friends do the same.  and what do you know?  we ended up winning 4 of the 10 certs!  YAY!  whole foods is my grocery store of choice so the certs have/will come in very handy!  

btw, aren't those tomatoes gorgeous?!   tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene, a great anti-oxidant for the body!

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