Friday, August 26, 2011

rubber & wax

i went to the dentist yesterday for my monthly invisalign appointment.  i finished my upper trays two months ago but my right lateral (laterals are the teeth to the left and right of your two front teeth) did not engage properly so my dentist put hooks on the front and back of the tooth and now i have to wear a rubber band to help move the tooth down.

the picture doesn't show the rubber bands very clearly but they're 1/8" and SUPER TINY.  i had the hardest time getting the damn thing on my tooth the first couple of times. last night, while i was sleeping, the rubber band popped off and i almost swallowed it!

the hook on the inside of the tooth is kinda big and when i chew, it hits my bottom teeth so i feel like i'm biting on an extra tooth.  maybe this isn't the best explanation but trust me, it's a weird feeling.

the little hooks are also kinda sharp and started ripping the inside of my mouth.  i tried filing the hook with a nail file but it didn't work.  tonight, i remembered that i was given dental wax when i first started invisalign so i dug that baby up and plastered it all over the hook and it feels sooooo much better.  yay!  now i have to pray that the wax and rubber band don't come off when i go to bed tonight...and if it does, i hope i don't swallow or choke on it!

i am currently on tray 19 of 24 for my lower teeth...three more months to go!  and then retainers for the rest of my life.  gah.  the things we do for vanity >.<

*  *  *
today, the tiramisu had her first dental appointment.  she wasn't very happy about it but we got through it.  she has a total of 16 teeth and he thinks she'll have her four molars in by the time she's 2-1/2!  everything looked great but he said her teeth are kinda close together so i should floss them everyday o_O.  i'm going to attempt to start the flossing tomorrow.  he also said that because the hubby and i both had/have orthodontics, she will most likely require them.  grrrrreat.


  1. You have to sleep with your rubber bands on??? My ortho told me not to sleep with it in case I swallow it!!

  2. whaaaaaaat?! my dentist didn't tell me that. luckily, the rubber band hasn't snapped again while i was sleeping.
