Thursday, August 25, 2011

keep yo' hands to yourself

the tiramisu had a really rough day at the doctor's office yesterday for her 15-month well baby visit :(  the older she gets, the more aware she is. and now, she really hates being handled by the nurses and doctor, whom i'm guessing she views as strangers. she was crying and screaming the entire time and it took three of us to hold her down to examine her and remove her ear wax (she got the excessive ear wax gene from her daddy).  and then to top it all off, she had three shots.  by the time it was all done, she was hot, red and exhausted and just wanted mommy to hold her.  her face in the photo above says it all :(  

i took her to the waiting room and held her until she calmed down so she wouldn't be upset on the car ride home.  surprisingly, after about five minutes, she wanted down and walked to the play area!  she was all smiles until a strange lady came into the clinic.  she had the nerve to tell me that i'm "too nice" to my little princess and then she started touching the tiramisu's face!!! OMG!  i am a major germaphobe and i was already freaking out about the sick kids who must've touched the toys prior to the tiramisu and now i have to deal with this strange lady and her who-knows-where-her-hands-have-been hands.  i quickly scooped the princess up, grabbed our belongings and made our way out of the office.  we jumped in the car, i wiped her hands and face, and she fell asleep on the way home and then for 2-1/2 more hours!  my poor baby was super exhausted.

it still baffles me that complete strangers think it's okay to touch someone else's child!!!  it's even worse than strangers who think it's completely kosher to touch a pregnant woman's belly.  gahhhhh >.<

*  *  *
flu season is just around the corner!  the tiramisu got her shot yesterday, i got my flu shot today and encourage you to get yours asap!


  1. She inherited lots of things from Blair!!!

    Does Tiramisu have a bruise where all her shots were? It looks like it in the 2nd photo!

    I can't believe you didn't slap that lady for touching Tiramisu!!

  2. P.S. I really enjoy your daily blogging. Although, I also miss daily text pics of my bestie :( Don't think your daily blogs make up for it!!!

  3. she had a little bit of bruising but it looks pretty good now :)
    i had to practice a LOT of self control to not yell at that lady!
