Sunday, August 7, 2011

yogur story

the red carpet waffle

there are a LOT of new restaurants in town!  2010 B.C. (before children), the hubby and i would hit up the new restaurants as soon as they opened!  nowadays, it may take us months before we get to try them out.  i've been reading about "yogur story" for what seems like forever and we finally got to go there tonight!

yes, "yogur" story is missing the "t"...the korean owners didn't realize that they spelled the word wrong until all their branding material was printed up and made.  that's good ol' engrish for you.

you can read all about yogur story here and here.  we went there mainly because i wanted to try the pretty "red carpet waffle" shown above, which is a play on red velvet cake.  the waffle was harder/tougher/chewier than i like.  the taro cream cheese frosting was aight. overall, i think it looked prettier than it tasted.

now that i think about it, i'm not really even a fan of red velvet!  i dunno how red velvet has become the hottest thing since sliced bread.  oh, i think i must've started with the designer cupcake craze...and subsequently, red velvet cupcakes.  my wallet isn't really a fan of $5 cupcakes but if someone buys them for me, i'll eat them!  hah!

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