Monday, August 1, 2011

hear the crickets?!

oh-mi-gosh...someone is not doing a very good job with this blog >.<

today is august 1, which means that there are only 145 days until christmas!  i'm totally dreaming of a parisian holiday!  last year, the tiramisu casually tugged on ribbon and threw her gifts around but this year, i'm pretty sure that she'll know how to open presents and get excited at everything that santa has brought her!  can't wait!

my baby is 14-1/2 months (*gasp* she is growing way too fast) young and her mama is still pumping...but only once a day, which is totally doable.  i may just keep this up until i have no milk left or twins are in the oven ^_^  tonight, i told the hubby how funny it would be if i started taking fertility drugs secretly and we ended up with triplets.  he was NOT all.

i wanted to start a monthly challenge at the 1st of every month.  this month was supposed to be closing my facebook and twitter accounts since my fingers seem to naturally gravitate towards those icons on my iphone at every available opportunity. but i am postponing this until september because i promised to post some pics from the tres chic birthday in paris and haven't done it yet (yes, i suck).  so, perhaps my new challenge will be to blog daily.  this is going to be a big one for me.

peace out!

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