Tuesday, October 25, 2011

pianos are good investments

downsizing (albeit temporarily) definitely has its limitations.  although no one in our family plays the piano, we own a cute ebony baby grand.  yes, don't ask.  

anywho, so we've been asking ourselves, what the $(!(# are we going to do with the piano?!
a - take it to the condo
b - put it in storage at $75/month
c - sell it
d - find someone who will let us store it at their house for $free.99

we eliminated option a because of the space constraints.  option b seemed semi-reasonable if all other options failed.  i looked into option c and was told that if we were planning to purchase another baby grand (which we were), we should keep the one we have because it will cost us almost double the price of what we paid in 2007 to purchase another one in 1 or 2 years!!!  who the heck knew that the price of pianos inflated so much?!  

i ahem...we decided to keep the piano and luckily, the father-in-law was happy to house it temporarily!  and he's even planning to take piano lessons!  hahaha.  how funny.  so the piano was moved yesterday...and just in case you're wondering, it takes four guys and a lot of skill to move one.  and every time we move it, it costs $225 :( someone in our family better learn to play that damn thing soon.  hopefully the tiramisu will.

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