Monday, October 17, 2011


this weekend, the hubby and i had a date night at the new Happy Valley Pasta & Pizza.  

left - sampler appetizer (garlic fries, fried calamari, sausage and chicken karaage)
middle - my seafood risotto without arborio rice
right - the hubby's action shot meat pizza

the food was's japa-talian food (btw, i made that word up).  my seafood risotto was made from normal rice rather traditional arborio rice :(  the pizza pies come out whole and you get to cut the slices yourself, which was a nice touch.  i liked their pizza crust but the menu is super limited and we prefer more traditional italian food so we probably won't ever go back.

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holy smokes, we're already in the second half of october!  halloween is just around the corner and i still haven't purchased or made a costume for the little tiramisu.  i have to be creative about her costume since she definitely knows what she likes and doesn't like nowadays and she's much more averse to hats and headwear unless she approves of it!  

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