Thursday, October 20, 2011

it's gettin', it's gettin', it's gettin' kinda hectic...

it's pretty much all but official that we're headed into condo living for the next 1-1/2 to 2 years.  we signed the lease for our rental  last week and just moved all my beloved oil paintings over tonight.  the walls in our current home feel so bare :(

this morning, we're headed to escrow to sign for the unit that we are purchasing for my parents.  we'll get the keys on monday when we close and then the contractor will come in to change out the carpet to wood floors and then my parents can start moving in.

it's definitely going to take some getting used to but i think it will be okay.  at least we won't have to evacuate for any tsunami warnings and we'll get an awesome view of any water movement if/when another one heads our way...and we'll have the BEST fireworks view for 4th of july and new years!

more later.

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