Monday, February 28, 2011

baby gaga

heheh.  breast milk ice cream.  awesome.  read about it here.

march starts tomorrow.  holy cow.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


this quote and image made its rounds in blog-land a few months ago.  i saved it on my computer and forgot to note the source -- sorry!  

anywho, these words are so true...

Monday, February 21, 2011

okay, i lied.

why can't i get my sorry blogging ass to post regularly?  i think about blog topics all day but just can't get myself to sit down and put a post together because honestly, i usually choose sleep over all other options when time permits :)  i looooove getting some good shut-eye, especially on our uber comfortable cal king Tempur-pedic bed.  btw - if you've never slept on a Tempur-pedic bed, you definitely need to!  it's THE best!

anywho, i think i need to tackle blogging just like i do all other things in my life...systematically and with intention.  maybe i ought to designate topics for each day of the week?  right now, my mind vacillates between single topic posts vs chop suey vs no photos...short posts vs long posts...and the list goes on and on because i think too much 98% of the time.  

hmmm...if i feel inspired enough, maybe i'll shoot for this schedule:
  • Monday - bits of our weekend --- because weekends are usually filled with fun
  • Tuesday - thrifty tuesday --- because i like alliteration
  • Wednesday - wordless wednesdays --- should be easy enough to post one picture, eh?
  • Thursday - baby bistro --- i need to keep track of what i cook for the tiramisu, anyway
  • Friday - bloggers furlough friday --- just because
  • Saturday / Sunday - regularly scheduled days off

call me crazy.  i don't mind.  goodnight.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

thrifting finds

i am a picker!  i love garage sales, rummage sales, bizarres, etc.  there's a fine line between "clutter" and "treasures" and sometimes it's hard to resist temptation to buy everything you find!  here are some of my recent pickins'...

i heart miniature chairs.  i love the painted detail on the chair on the left (thrifted for $2).  the little green chair with the rounded back is also adorable (thrifted for $1.50). these chairs are about 10" tall.   

this past weekend, i went to a rummage sale at a local elementary school.  i arrived kinda late so i was hoping that there were still some goodies left for me :)  low and behold, i found this gold, vintage mesh purse by Whiting and Davis Co.  this company is known for their metal mesh material and their really old bags (1920s, 30s) are worth quite a bit. 
the bag was pristine!  i'm guessing that it probably sat in someone's closet and was never used judging by its condition.  and the best part?  it only cost me 50 cents!  

i'm kinda digging the chain straps.  i think i might start hunting for a vintage Chanel bag ;)


Would you believe it if I told you that I have another clogged duct in the exact same spot as the previous two times?! FML! Okay, maybe those words are a bit harsh. Things could be a lot worse. (btw - I had to google that acronym after seeing it plastered all over Facebook.)

This entry is being typed through my new iPhone! I will be back hopefully tomorrow with a cleared duct and a post about a cute vintage bag I found at a rummage sale this weekend for fifty cents!

update - it's 12 noon, wednesday, and the clog just passed.  HOORAY!  thank goodness it was a short-lived one!  i think i'll start taking some lecithin as people swear by it for preventing clogs.  

Saturday, February 12, 2011

sustainable style series - outfit #2

welcome to another edition of sss!  we went to Hakone on Friday night to get our all-you-can-eat uni and amaebi fix until they ran out of the latter.  anywho, i had planned on wearing something bright and colorful but the mister thought it was "too much." so, i ended up wearing my favorite!  the mister said that i look like a nun. just call me Mother Teresa.  HAH.  i hope to remix this dress into something fun, with a splash of color, the next time around!
please pardon the hot spot on my neck -- the mister was playing around with lights again.

DRESS - this is another vintage (70s?) polyester dress that i thrifted for $6.99.  i looove polyester because it's lightweight, dries quickly and hardly wrinkles.  i like the scoop neck, sleeves and pleat detail on this dress.  the dress was made by Darina in Hawaii. it's a tad too big for me so i plan to take it in a little and cut a few inches off the bottom for future use.  i guess it's time to dust off the ol' sewing machine!

JACKET - when my dad saw me as we were leaving the house, he asked if it was snowing outside.  HAH.  i brought this corduroy jacket just in case it got cold in the restaurant!

BELT - this dress came with a matching fabric belt (the one that i tied into a bow for outfit #1) but i didn't like the black on black look so i wore this orange leather skinny belt from Banana Republic.  i ended up purchasing this for $45 since i wasn't able to thrift one.  shame on me.

TIGHTS - yay, no more photoshopped tights!  these Merona argyle tights were $8.45 at Target.

SHOES - i'm lacking in the shoes department.  i borrowed these Naturalizer boots from my stylish mom.


i'm having a dilemma with accessories.  99% of the time, i wear the same pair of earrings (studs) and one ring (wedding ring).  i think i need a few vintage necklaces to spruce up my vintage look but i don't know if i should invest in something that i probably won't use very often.  i've found some vintage pieces that i really love but financially, they're not quite in the "thrifting" category.  hmmmm.....

Friday, February 11, 2011

tastes good on the lips...

...and goes straight to the hips.

oh my!  we received more gau but this time it's the size of a PIE! 

if the symbolism of eating gau for Chinese New Year holds true, we're in for a year of winning multiple megabucks and conceiving octuplets.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

baby bistro (homemade baby food) - salmon & veggies

we are soooo lucky to live next door to my parents, especially because my mom cooks dinner for us everyday :)  

but i do the cooking for the littles!  i've been having soooo much fun cooking homemade baby food and feeding solids to the little tiramisu.  she's finally at the point where she enjoys eating and chewing and it's soooo cute to see her get all excited when i put her in her high chair.  

this week, her four upper teeth fully cut through her gums.  and now she has 6 cute, little chompers!  i think i'll give her some beef jerky tomorrow.  kidding.

i made a salmon dish for her the other day and so far, she loooves it!  and the omega-3s are great for her developing brain!

1 ea salmon fillet
2 ea small bunches of broccoli
1 ea sweet potato
2 ea carrots
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
1 cup homemade chicken stock (i'll blog about this another day)

Step 1 - Put a few spoons of water in a pan and heat.  Add salmon and cover. Eventually the water will disappear and the salmon will start browning (see photo in step 3).  Flip and brown other side.

Step 2 - Steam broccoli, sweet potato and carrots until soft.

Step 3 - Once the salmon has browned on both sides, remove from heat.  

Step 4 - Carefully check the salmon for bones and flake meat into small pieces.  

Step 5 - Place salmon, veggies, cheddar cheese, and chicken stock in Vitamix and puree to desired consistency.  

Step 6 - Portion into mini cube trays and freeze.  I use these silicon trays.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

sustainable style series - outfit #1

OMG.  let me just start by saying that taking these photos were TOTALLY out of my comfort zone...but i'm posting them for your amusement since i promised that i would do it.  har har har.

ever since i became a domestic engineer, fashion has been put on the back burner.  i'm a home body and i'm perfectly happy with no makeup, hair pulled back in a pony tail, wearing a tanktop and boxers all day long.  

on saturday night, the mister and i went to Assagios for a quick dinner since my mom was willing to watch the littles.  normally, i would put on a pair of jeans and one of my favorite three shirts.  but for my special blog audience, i decided to dig deep into my closet and bust out one of my new vintage thrifted digs.

may i present...Sustainable Style Series #1...  

DRESS - i thrifted this cute little blue dress at Goodwill for $6.99.  it's a hand sewn textured polyester dress that's reminiscent of the 60s and 70s.  since i'm not an expert in vintage clothing, i really don't know the true age of the dress.  i'm hoping to take a bunch of stuff i've thrifted in the last few weeks to a local expert to help me age everything.  stay tuned!

BELT - i wanted to add a belt to this dress so it doesn't look so frumpy.  i haven't been able to thrift anything that i liked (yet) so i pulled this simple black fabric belt from another dress that i bought and tied it into a bow.  i think it's cute.

PURSE - i don't have any vintage purses (yet).  i usually carry a LV bag but i didn't think it would match this outfit so i pulled out this Coach bag that i received as a gift for Christmas.  the bag is big and kinda business-y but it fits my ipad nicely.

TIGHTS - can you believe that Macy's in Kahala Mall does not carry any tights?!!  i know we're in hawaii but hello...aren't tights a basic staple in the hosiery department?  so i went to dinner without tights but photoshopped them in because it's really the look i was going for.  luckily, i am no longer tights-less as i picked up a few pairs at Target the other day.  

SHOES - i borrowed some Via Spiga sandals from my stylish mom.  

so i know that this isn't a super cool vintage outfit but it's definitely a change from my otherwise normal mundane wardrobe.  i hope to have something more fun for SSS #2.

and if you're interested in seeing some really stylish (and attractive and thin) women showcase what they wear almost daily, check out these blogs.  

Jessica Quirk - What I Wore 
Kendi Lea - Kendi Everyday 
Tiffany - I am Style-ish

sometimes i wish hawaii would get really cold so we can wear cute scarves and jackets and boots.  oh wells.  that's what traveling is for!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

2 days & $2+million

every year, the mister and i head out to the Punahou Carnival early Friday morning to make our contribution to the richest school in America.  can you believe that they generate over $2million in profit in two days just from the carnival?!  amazing!  the money raised goes towards funding 400 scholarships :) 

anywho, we're usually in and out within an hour since we arrive early and stand in line for scrips before the booths even open and then split up the food booth duties. 

this year, we strayed from the status quo because i wanted to check out the famed White Elephant as it's dubbed as one of the best thrifting opportunities in the islands. i knew there would be early birds but nowhere did i expect the lines to look like this at 10:30 am (fair opens at 11:00 am).
this tiny panoramic doesn't do the crowd justice.
let me see if i can figure out how to make a linky for this.

the lines for Treasures (the true high value antiques) and the regular White Elephant were over 100 people deep each!  knowing that my time was limited, i decided to wait in the Treasures line thinking that the items here would be more interesting.  but then the gal in front of me said that they only let in 20 people at a time so i decided to move to the larger White Elephant side thinking that i would get in sooner as they probably let in like 30-40 people at a time.

i really needed to witness what kind of stuff they had in here because goodness gracious, most people were walking out with HUGE BOXES like this lady.  
good thing i had an umbrella because i waited for over an hour just to get into the blue and white tent!  and when i finally got in, i didn't have much time to browse because the mister had already picked up all the food and was ready to head back to the office.  

there's a lot of stuff for sale -- games, toys, clothes, shoes, furniture, appliances, etc, etc. -- and people come ready to buy!  

because the donations come from families with connections to the richest school in the country, the quality of items is supposed to be better than your average Goodwill or Salvation Army...and this is what seems to drive allllll the masses of people here.

unfortunately, the food looked better than it tasted.  i usually love the gyros but this year, the "meat" was scarce and dry.
the portuguese bean soup was missing its namesake beans and portuguese sausage and was super watered down. 
the malasadas were aight but i didn't like the fact that they put a one dozen limit per customer.  and they seem to shrink in size every year.  we needed 3 dozen so i had to stand in line two times (i begged one of the students to give me 2 dozen in one order the first time i was in line).  when i waited in line the second time around, the guy in front of me had $80 in scrips...all for malasadas!  but they didn't make him wait in line again!  HOW RUDE.  
oh yeah...almost forgot to report that they also ran out of my favorite teri burgers so we ended up getting a cheeseburger.  what the heck?

so next year's plan is to skip all the hot food and attack the jams & jellies line to purchase 1 case (12 ea) of mango chutney and 1 case of lilikoi butter, which we normally don't buy...and arrive at 9 am for the White Elephant.  hehe.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

kung hee fat choy!

happy year of the rabbit!

the mister is full chinese but we don't really celebrate chinese new year, except for eating fried gau!  i loooove the crispy edges, hot off the grill.  yummmmm.

i cook for my dog.

today, i slaved in the kitchen preparing meals for the furriest member of our family, princess jasmyn.  

the princess joined us in January 2001 when she was just 8 weeks old :)  in the beginning, we fed her processed commercial dog "food" (kibble) and her first year was filled with never ending rashes and ear infections.  her old vet would constantly prescribe antibiotic drugs and ointments and even talked us into putting her under general anesthesia to get her ears cleaned when she had a really bad ear infection! when i think about it now, his horrible treatment really pisses me off!!!  anywho...

after a year of watching her suffer and not having confidence in her first veterinarian, i decided to take matters into my own hands.  i found a new vet (Dr Lissa Kam at Ohana Veterinary Hospital -- she's awesome!) and conducted extensive research online (gotta love the www) to figure out how to remedy her health problems.  this is when i discovered Dr Ihor Basko, a holistic veterinarian based in Kauai. Dr Basko is the BEST and i can honestly say that it was the best $500 (i think that's what it cost us although really, his recommendations were priceless) we have ever spent. 

prior to seeing Dr Basko, jasmyn was eating human-grade chicken breast and rice as we thought this would be better than kibble.  after a thorough examination and blood work, Dr Basko recommended a major dietary overhaul.  he concocted an individualized meal plan for her and advised us on all foods to avoid (including flour, rice, wheat, corn, chicken, and many more).  he also gave us a shampoo recipe to help her with her skin.  within one week of making these changes, her skin cleared up and she never had another ear infection for years!  we are sooooo thankful for Dr Basko!

the princess eats her special stew twice a day.  her daily snacks consist of fresh fruits and vegetables.  her favorites are carrots, raw sweet potato, romaine lettuce and papayas.  i also give her boiled eggs.  the ONLY processed foods that she eats are string cheese and soft serve ice cream from Dairy Queen on special occasions.  she hasn't touched a dog biscuit or treat in about 8 or 9  years! 

btw, when we stopped giving jasmyn processed food, we also stopped using topical flea poisons medicines as they are very taxing on the liver.  i never felt right putting the medicine on her back after reading the special warning label for humans on the package (why is it okay to apply it to your pet's skin but not your own?!!).  right now, we really don't use anything special for fleas and ticks...i think the garlic and ginger in her food helps repel them.  from time to time, if i suspect a flea infestation in the neighborhood, i'll spray her coat with an all-natural essential oil spray.

this is how i make the princess' special stew:

Step 1 - Add cubed pork, celery, garlic and ginger to a pot of boiling water.  Cook on low for 30 minutes.  I only use fresh island pork, free of hormones and all that other bad stuff.
Step 2 - Add sweet potato, ground pork, millet, and pork liver.  Cook for 30 minutes.

Step 3 - Add veggies.  I always use broccoli and bok choy and sometimes add spinach. Heat on low for 1 hour.
Voila!  The finished product.
Lastly, portion into 1/2 cup containers and freeze.  A huge pot will usually feed her for about one month.
Now if only the mister and I ate as healthy as the dog :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

hump & pump

1:12 pm --- yesssssss! 36 hours later, my left boob is doing the happy dance because the clog has finally passed!  now to figure out how to make this never, ever, ever, ever happen again.

need to clear a clogged duct?  just HUMP!

1.  H   Heat - apply heat for 3-5 minutes prior to pumping and throughout the day.  i put rice in a sock and microwave it for 60 seconds and use it as a hot compress.  some people say a hot shower works, too, but i've never been able to clear a duct in the shower.  the theory behind applying heat is that you want to melt the fat plug (breastmilk is fatty...the fat is what solidifies and forms the plug).

2.  U   UNDO YOUR BRA - extra pressure on the ducts tend to cause clogging so undo that bra!  

3.  M   MASSAGE - start from the outside of your boob and work your way towards the nipple.  push down on the clogged area as HARD AS YOU CAN so the plug has enough pressure behind it to move down the duct.  it will hurt like a mutha but you really need to do this or the plug won't move.

4.  P   PUMP, PUMP, PUMP - pump at least every 2 hours to express as much milk as you can and empty the boob. the more milk that is expressed, the more bacteria that is washed out and the less chance of you getting mastitis.  massage and apply heat while you pump.  it takes some coordination to do all these things at the same time but it's absolutely necessary. 

how will you know when the plug has cleared?  sometimes you hear a 'pop' followed by a high-powered spray of milk.  your boob will also feel soft again.  i've read that others actually see a string of solidified milk come out or little bits of milk that look like sand grains.  i'm yet to witness either.

btw, milk sprays are definitely the cutest thing about pumping breastmilk.  someone must have a video on youtube that shows this heheheh.

a blog/boob update & the inverted mister

dear loyal readers (all three of you)...

i really did have great intentions to blog regularly...until my boobs decided to protest their neglect.  in the past few weeks, my milk supply has dwindled and let-downs (the transfer of milk down the ducts) are harder to come by.  the boobs are not happy when i simply connect them and let the pump do its thang thang.  and they totally sent me the message that they want some tlc when i awoke with a friggen clogged duct!!!  

clogged ducts SUCK.  they hurt.  they're scary.  and if they're not cleared, they have the potential of turning into mastitis (google it if you don't know what i'm talking about). so, whereas my initial plan was to blog while i pump, i have returned to the status quo of giving my boobs my undivided attention (okay, okay...i have been playing a little bit of words with friends in between the massages and compression) and now have to make blogging part of my daily routine. *gasp* it's already february 1 and i promise to blog "regularly" -- maybe every other day? 

anyhoo, meet the mister.  he's an interesting fella with all kinds of toys and gadgets. his latest inverter machine.  yes, he is hanging upside down and says it makes his body feel "so good" and "uncompressed."  i don't dare go on this machine for fear that i will break something.
the hubby and i looooove board games.  we played Life the other night.  that's my green car and my friends, Mimi & Diana in the front seat.  congrats, you two!  wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness! 

okay, gotta go because guess what?!  I HAVE ANOTHER F$#!#% clogged duct.  bye bye, words with friends.  it was nice knowing you, too.