1:12 pm --- yesssssss! 36 hours later, my left boob is doing the happy dance because the clog has finally passed! now to figure out how to make this never, ever, ever, ever happen again.
need to clear a clogged duct? just HUMP!
1. H Heat - apply heat for 3-5 minutes prior to pumping and throughout the day. i put rice in a sock and microwave it for 60 seconds and use it as a hot compress. some people say a hot shower works, too, but i've never been able to clear a duct in the shower. the theory behind applying heat is that you want to melt the fat plug (breastmilk is fatty...the fat is what solidifies and forms the plug).
2. U UNDO YOUR BRA - extra pressure on the ducts tend to cause clogging so undo that bra!
3. M MASSAGE - start from the outside of your boob and work your way towards the nipple. push down on the clogged area as HARD AS YOU CAN so the plug has enough pressure behind it to move down the duct. it will hurt like a mutha but you really need to do this or the plug won't move.
4. P PUMP, PUMP, PUMP - pump at least every 2 hours to express as much milk as you can and empty the boob. the more milk that is expressed, the more bacteria that is washed out and the less chance of you getting mastitis. massage and apply heat while you pump. it takes some coordination to do all these things at the same time but it's absolutely necessary.
how will you know when the plug has cleared? sometimes you hear a 'pop' followed by a high-powered spray of milk. your boob will also feel soft again. i've read that others actually see a string of solidified milk come out or little bits of milk that look like sand grains. i'm yet to witness either.
btw, milk sprays are definitely the cutest thing about pumping breastmilk. someone must have a video on youtube that shows this heheheh.
I am stillllllll waiting for the vintage outfit blog. When is that happening?!?!?!