Tuesday, January 10, 2012


we're only 10 days into the new year and it's already kicking my arse.  pardon the blog absence but i've got a crazy mixed plate to deal with at the moment and it includes things like...

practicing safe lunch...by using condiments.  what a funny sign.

finally got our christmas...i mean holiday...i mean new year cards in the mail.  due to a few technical issues, i just couldn't get the cards out by the end of 2011.  using the glass is half full approach, at least we got to wish everyone a happy chinese new year, too.   

since the cards went out, i finally took down the flocked up christmas tree tonight and the hubby wheeled it away for disposal.  it was kinda sad because the tree was still healthy and smelled terrific but it seemed like it was time to move on, especially with the limited space we have here at the hotel.

and lastly, the IRS sent us this lovely letter that we owe owe owe.  uh-huh.  this is going to be a fun one to iron out.

we have our first meeting with the architect this afternoon for our new house! yippppy!

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