Friday, November 4, 2011

harajuku mochi chocolat

oh-mi-gosh!  pardon me for the extended blog absence!  i've been so exhausted from running around moving, managing the renovations for the new condo, and taking care of some other little surprises ;)

anywho, one of my FFF's (Favorite Friends over Fifty) is in town...uncle bob!  uncle bob is the best -- he always brings me goodies when he's in town.  hehe.  this trip's treat is Harajuku Mochi Chocolat and they're sooooo yummy.  i think he said that there's only one store outside of Japan where you can purchase it and luckily, it's in San Francisco, where he lives!  he gave me a box of strawberry chocolate and chocolate chocolate.  they are both soooo delightful!  i hope i don't eat them all before the weekend's done.  hahaha.

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