Thursday, March 17, 2011

iSuck (continued)

so...back to my iPhone4 story.  

after i cracked my phone (previous blog entry), i called Verizon to see if i could use insurance to get a replacement phone.  when they checked my files, they said that i didn't purchase insurance...i only bought an "extended warranty."  doh.  but they told me that the timing was good because i have two more days to purchase insurance before my 30 days were up (after purchasing the phone). the insurance that Verizon offers for iPhones is $10.99 a month and the deductible for a replacement is $169! this seemed kinda steep so i told them that i would decide tomorrow since we were on our way to dinner.

when i got home, i jumped on the internet to see if i could just have the front glass replaced.  some people have said that they've done it but i learned that there are countless others like myself who have cracked their screens with a short drop and in most cases, they brought their phones to Apple and were given a one-time replacement on the spot!  the deal seemed to good to be true but i gave it a try and sure enough, the kind gentleman at the genius bar gave me a replacement phone, no questions asked!  Apple has crazy awesome customer service!  i can see why their stores are always packed with people no matter what day or time of the week.

so i walked out of Apple with a brand new iPhone4 and immediately bought an Otterbox Defender cover at an AT&T kiosk since the Apple store didn't have any.  btw, my original phone was covered in this case from Verizon -- it sucked.  i tried to return the cover but Verizon wouldn't give me a refund because i was 2 days out of their 15 day return policy...even if their cover did nothing to protect my phone.  and i've been a Verizon customer for 10 YEARS!!  yes, i was fuming. 

i also ended up getting a warranty through Squaretrade which was only $99 for 2 years with a $50 deductible.  hopefully, i won't have to use it but it's been reported that iPhone4's break 82% more often than the 3GS so the odds are against me.  you can read more about it here.

i love my phone.  but why would anyone build a phone out of glass?!  

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