Monday, October 3, 2011

she bangs

this cleaning/sorting/donating/dumping/storing/packing thing is bananas.  cleaning out the old condo is like opening a time capsule.  everything in the place dates back to 2003 and prior...old bills, magazines, mail, clothes, shoes, toys, etc.  some of the notable finds to date are love letters from the hubby (hah!), tons of mcdonalds' beanie babies and hello kitty dolls (which don't seem to be worth much on ebay), med school paraphernalia (now i can listen to my heart and lungs whenever i want), pagers (143...43770), furbies (the scary little talking creatures), and a cd from one of my favorite singers...

yes, i actually went out and bought this cd.  judge me if you want but i'm pretty sure that you dork-crushed on mr. hung, too.  hahahah.

i still can't believe that it took us this long to clean all the $*(! out of this place.  we donated about 28 garbage bags full of stuff and dumped a bunch of stuff this weekend.  we still have about 1/3 to go!!!


  1. AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! I literally laughed out loud when I saw the picture of the William Hung cd!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

  2. i actually brought the cd home and added it to my music collection. couldn't get myself to donate it. hahahaha.
