Friday, June 10, 2011

today is june 10...

...and my little is almost 13 months young...and i'm still pumping!  WTF.  the AAP (american academy of pediatrics) recommends breastfeeding for 1 year...but the WHO (world health organization) recommends providing breastmilk for up to TWO years and beyond!  my (male) pediatrician suggested that i continue to provide breastmilk for the little until she turns two, if possible >.<  holy smokes!

so, i'm compromising.  i've decreased my pumping schedule to only three sessions a day and am now supplementing any milk deficits with organic, whole milk with DHA.  her milk consumption is still primarily breastmilk so hopefully she's still reaping the benefits!  eliminating the stringent pumping schedule has provided some newfound freedom in my life and i now have the time to tackle some fun diy projects that will be revealed here soon :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

oh em gee...

i see that june 1st has come and gone and i did not stick to my mutha $*(#%(! stinkin' promise.  i suck!  maybe this blogging thing just isn't for me.  or perhaps i'm just lazy and undisciplined.  and, i'm still recovering from my first year of motherhood.  yes, i'm a wimp like that.